Designing online courses is a highly profitable venture. We can expect around one billion online learners by 2028.

Creating an online course is also easier than ever with tools like CourseAI. We can generate trending topics for you, or you can pick your own. Having a niche lets us customize whatever course content you need.

There are so many options out there already. How do you choose the right online course topic? Here are the most popular online courses to give you an idea of what works.

Data Science and Analytics

The world has gone data-driven. Four of the ten best jobs in America relate to tech in one way or another.

Every industry now needs tech-driven talent to stay competitive. Data science and analytics help businesses make better decisions and grow by extracting insights and knowledge from big data. The applications of data science are endless. This includes identifying consumer trends and optimizing business operations.

Programming and Web Development

Programming and web development both rank high on in-demand skills. From tech startups to global companies, everyone loves them.

These courses teach you how to build websites, applications, and software. You’ll use various programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. These skills have been popular for creating user-friendly interfaces and developing powerful back-end systems.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Many people are interested in starting their very own business—but it isn’t easy. Staying competitive and learning the key principles make all the difference.

Entrepreneurship courses cover things like:

  • Business planning
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Leadership

These skills give aspiring entrepreneurs the skills and mindset to start and grow successful ventures.
Today, business and entrepreneurship fundamentals are mandatory for anyone starting their own company or even climbing the corporate ladder.

Digital Marketing

Over 66% of people around the world use the internet. That’s a huge audience just waiting to be tapped into. This makes digital marketing a key part of modern business strategy. For businesses looking to thrive online, digital marketing skills are an absolute non-negotiable.

Designing a digital marketing course teaches learners how to maximize the potential of digital channels—social media, search engines, email, and content marketing—so you can reach and engage your audience wherever they are.

Graphic Design and Multimedia

What if you have a message but can’t get it across? That’s where graphic design and multimedia come in.

Graphic design and multimedia skills are in high demand across industries. This course lets you teach how to create awesome web, print, and digital design. This is possible with tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

There’s a wide range of topics you could teach with this course. Try making a logo design course or more advanced digital illustrations and animations. The possibilities are endless and keep evolving as the tools get better, too.

Content Creation

This is just as relevant to graphic design and multimedia. There’s a big boom of digital content across the internet. But creating informative content isn’t enough anymore. You need to make your content attractive.

Courses like this are perfect for you if you’re a content producer. Teach your students how to make them stand out. This is for businesses and aspiring influencers. They can build a strong online presence and connect with their audience with content creation skills.

Language Learning

Want to travel or work abroad? Don’t just turn language learning into a party trick. Words really do reach all over the world.

Language learning opens up new experiences. It’s even great for the brain. These courses let you teach students a language that’s completely new to them. The new language improves cross-cultural communication skills and creates a much better understanding of different perspectives.

Personal Development and Self-Improvement

Feel like your life needs something more? Living a better life starts with developing your potential. Dreams and aspirations can come true; you can build the life skills to succeed.

There’s more to life than just knowing technical skills. This is more about the pursuit of success and fulfillment. Talk about goal setting, time management, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. As a life coach or mentor, you can guide in cultivating healthy habits and mindsets.

Health and Fitness

Many people have put their fitness first before everything else. If you’re a fitness coach or health expert, this is the course to make.

Health and fitness courses will always be in high demand. This course covers improving physical health and well-being. You can teach proper exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle choices. You can include strength training and cardio workouts too. Teach proper nutrition and stress management along the way.

Finance and Investing

Money isn’t something most people know how to handle. Things are getting so expensive, so knowing essential finance and investing skills can save you from going broke (and actually grow your money).

Teach people how to make smart financial decisions. Investing, retirement planning, and wealth management are all topics they should be familiar with. The course essentially helps people achieve their financial goals and secure their future.

Get Started with CourseAI Today

There are a lot of online course topics you can pursue—and that should be exciting! Take advantage of this opportunity. Maximize your passion and turn it into money.

CourseAI lets you create and sell online courses with ease. Our user-friendly platform and robust resources help you turn your knowledge into a profitable online business.

Start your journey with CourseAI today and unlock the door to unlimited potential for online learning.