Learning is now digital. Online learning courses have become so big that almost half of students have taken at least one course in some form.

Online courses have so much potential. Anyone can build a thoughtful, streamlined syllabus with CourseAI, regardless of their skill level. But once you’ve made your course, what’s next? How can you reach more students and make more money? Stick around. We’ve got the answers for you.

Teach Using an Online Hosting Platform

Don’t want to build your website? Use an online hosting platform. Popular platforms like Teachable and Udemy can give you easy access to millions of users worldwide.

These platforms do almost all of the heavy lifting. They handle complicated payment systems so you can focus solely on making engaging content. All from the comfort of your own home.

Sell Your Course as One Big Product (or as a Bundle)

Sell your course as one big product or bundle it up. Your students pay a single fee and have access to your course content forever. No monthly fees. No hassle.

This is straightforward for them and you. There’s no need to stress about retaining customers. It’s a one-and-done deal.

A bundle combines related courses to cover different angles on a similar topic. You can also cover various levels in one bundle, like beginner, advanced, and expert courses.

It’s a low-commitment purchase. Fair warning, though, charging a hefty price for a standalone course might raise eyebrows. Think about how you can provide value or build a super niche course that doesn’t have many competitors.

Enroll for Free; Sell a Course Certificate

Who knew free could be so powerful? The freemium model hooks prospects with a free course and then seals the deal at the finish line—in the form of a Course Certificate.

The freemium model differs from a free trial. A free trial is only available for a limited time, while a freemium model lets you try the good stuff before you buy it.

Students get to beef up their skills for free, and when they’re hooked, they’ll race to buy that coveted certificate.

There’s no guarantee people will convert from the free version to the paid version, but it’s a great model for generating leads.

Set Up a Subscription Model

“Usership” is the new ownership. The subscription business has grown over 400% in the past decade. Subscriptions let students pay regularly to access your course, a reliable way for you to generate a steady income.

You might have an online course that’s always growing or takes time to complete. Selling monthly or weekly access then makes sense. This gives you time to grow your business while giving learners continuous access to new content.

The biggest advantage here is monthly recurring revenue (MRR). It is stable and allows you to plan for the future with confidence. Offering a free trial or a refund policy is a good way to get subscribers. This lets people see how your course is structured (and if it works for them) before committing.

Offer Tiered Memberships

Try out tiered memberships if you want a more upscale subscription mode. Think of it like a fine dining restaurant menu. Do you want a starter and main, or the whole five-course meal? Each higher payment option lets you get more based on your appetite.

All paid options give access. Depending on their tier, members get to unlock different levels, each with their own corresponding perks.

With this model, you get the same MRR rolling in, but when compared to subscriptions, memberships can be more work. You’ll have to provide valuable benefits for each tier, but you also get a chance to build your brand and keep your audience engaged.

Tips to Get Traffic to Your Online Course

Launching an online course is just the first step. You need to get people through the door to make it a success. Here are some strategies to drive traffic and fill up those virtual seats.

  • Make Use of Social Media: Use popular social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook to share teasers of what’s to come and testimonials that give your online course a good name.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Get influencers or industry experts to promote your course and give you credibility.
  • Optimize for SEO: Make sure your course title, description, and website content include relevant keywords and meta tags.
  • Guest Blog or Podcast: Become an authority in your niche by contributing as a guest blogger or doing podcasts.
  • Offer Freebies: Give people a taste of your course with a free lesson, ebook, or limited-time discount.
  • Build an Email List: Grab leads with a lead magnet or newsletter subscription. You can then nurture customer relationships with personalized emails.
  • Network and Collaborate: Get involved in industry events, join online communities, and connect with peers to build relationships, share insights, and gain exposure.
  • Encourage Referrals: Turn your satisfied customers into brand advocates by rewarding them for referring others to your course.

Your online course will be more visible if you follow these tips, and you’ll attract the right audience eager to learn from you. Get out there, spread the word, and watch your course enrollment numbers soar!

Online Courses Made Easy with CourseAI

Monetizing online courses is about sharing your expertise (and passion) with the world while creating a sustainable income stream for yourself. So, dive into online education, where your impact knows no bounds!

If you’re still thinking about where to start, CourseAI can help. No more guesswork or manual research. Our technology digs deep into data to find the most popular topics for you—all based on your skills and teaching style.

Start today with CourseAI as your guide, and start your business with confidence. Together, let’s build something amazing.