Content that speaks to the level and knowledge of your audience often draws the attention of more buyers and customers. A one-size-fits-all content is often difficult to sell and hard to market. Creating personalized content is much more rewarding but can be a challenge for many online course creators.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the benefits of specific and targeted content, how to cater to your audience’s needs, and how to leverage AI and completely transform the process of building online courses!

Let’s Talk About The Why

Your students thrive and engage with your online course when it meets their specific needs. Nothing is more frustrating than purchasing an online course only to find out that the material is too generic and offers very little about what you’re really looking to learn. Students are more likely to successfully complete an online course when it meets their learning objectives.

Similarly, specific and targeted content not only meets a particular set of goals but also adapts to your audience’s level and pace. It’s akin to having someone who knows your learning style and preferences very well. Part of the reason your audience will be drawn to you will be because of your own story and background. If they sense that you are someone who can understand where they’re coming from, then they’ll purchase your online course with the hope that you’ve tailored and personalized the language and structure of it to their level.

Of course, the rewards go beyond just the course itself. Your students who feel understood and accomplished because of your personalized content will leave positive reviews and recommend your course to others in their community. They are more likely to become repeat customers and subscribe to your other online courses. In this, you create a thriving and engaged community that can provide feedback and help you grow.

Specific And Targeted Content – How Do I Actually Do It?

The list below outlines the steps on how you can create specific and targeted content. We’ll talk about each thoroughly in this next section.

  • Choosing Your Target Audience
  • Understanding Your Audience and Community
  • Collecting Data
  • Content Strategies

First off, when it comes to creating targeted content, you need a target audience. You get to carefully pick your target audience, and all that depends on your expertise, your background, your community, or who you resonate with. Think about them on a personal level: who is this person, what are their goals, why are drawn to me, and what needs do they have that I can help with? The better you can narrow down your audience, the better you can personalize your content.

Once you’ve picked your target audience, it’s time to get to know them even better. Think about their general demographic – age, income, background, knowledge, etc. And then, think about their interests, passions, likes, and dislikes.

One of the best ways to understand your target audience is by collecting important data. Conducting surveys is great, but they’re not always easy to do, and people aren’t always willing to do it for free. It can cost you a lot of time and money that’s more than you actually need to spend. Instead, take a look at their communities. Where does your target audience hang out? Both physically and digitally. There are plenty of resources on social media, such as Facebook groups, where you can easily gather information on your target audience. Take a look at their social media profiles, which should give you some insight into what they’re passionate about, as well as their hobbies and interests. Observe the types of content they interact with. Better yet, if you already have an online course set up, take a look at their customer journey and course interactions and continually track their progress.

Now that you have a better grasp of your audience, it’s time to create your content! Think of it as though you are crafting a menu in a restaurant where your main goal is to not only satisfy your customers’ cravings at the end of the meal but to ensure they have an enjoyable experience all throughout. What does that experience look like? First, think about the big picture. What does that learning path look like for them? The learning outcomes should clearly communicate their own learning goals. The content modules should address their unique needs, diving deep into the topics that are most relevant to them. Be very critical of your content and remove repetitive and generic material that does not speak to your target audience. By concentrating only on what matters most to them, you ensure that every piece of content resonates with their goals and creates an engaging and effective learning experience. This tailored approach makes the learning journey more efficient and enjoyable for everyone.

Seems Too Hard – How Does AI Help?

It does take a lot of work, but thanks to modern digital advances, this is no longer a problem. AI can assist you in doing your research and personalizing content such that it caters to your target audience. You can literally drop the whole online course you’ve written out yourself on AI and tell it to change the language and tone to match a specific demographic. We don’t recommend you do that, but you could, and that’s amazing!

AI has the remarkable ability to gather and process information much faster than we can. It can scour the whole internet to help you find the answers you need. It can give you all the information you need to effectively teach a course to a specific group of people.

With AI, you can automate the content itself, including the quizzes, exercises, and videos. AI can continually assess the learning pathway and content efficiency. You can more easily identify areas that need improvement and make adjustments where necessary.

Of course, if you’re seeking a comprehensive solution, CourseAI offers all this and can help you automate the whole process of content creation. From the get-go, our platform asks you to pick a niche and a target audience, so all the content it creates, including the language, structure, and tone of the course, is specific and targeted to your audience’s needs.

Overall, specific and targeted content will help you create online courses that sell because they resonate with your target audience. AI is probably your most powerful ally in achieving this. With its vast capability to analyze data, gather information, and build and personalize content, you can create a marketable online course without too much work.