Imagine writing a book where you meticulously created such beautiful characters and storyline, but you just threw it away on a shelf, collecting dust. This goes to every created content with the intent of having it sold.

As far as online courses go, you’ll have to go through the toughest process to create one. Even though there are tools like CourseAI to help you with everything, such as designing and creating quizzes, there is still so much to do.

However, after all that designing, writing engaging material, and organizing your modules, it’s still not enough.

Let’s face it: the online learning market is very saturated, and for you to become profitable, you have to stand out—this is where marketing comes in.

In this article, we will discuss one of the best marketing strategies that’s been used for ages by different industries—email marketing. Stick around to learn more.

Why Email Marketing?

You may think that email is dead; your Gmail account is only used for receiving flight details, internet bills, and a whole heap of spam mail. That’s understandable, given that the majority of the world uses social media platforms to communicate and even sell their products.

However, the main difference between email marketing and these apps is that they allow you to have “laser-focused” targeting. What it means is that you can directly communicate to an individual you got from your sales funnel and tailor your message directly to them.

The keyword here is “message”. You can write a compelling and engaging email to your subscribers that addresses their specific needs.

Above all that, you are already messaging a subscriber. Someone who has already taken an interest in your course. They may have seen your website, downloaded your giveaway, or simply subscribed to your newsletter.

It’s much easier to capture their attention and convince them to buy your online course compared to advertising to the general public who may or may not be interested in your product.

Pro-Tip: Email marketing is way cheaper than paid ads. The upfront costs are just the email marketing software you’ll be using.

How To Create Your First Email Marketing Campaign

Now that you’ve created your first online course via CourseAI, it’s time to market it. Well, you may have shared it to your social media accounts but the traction is very slow. Let email marketing help you, here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to start your email campaign.

Build Your List

The easiest way to build your list is through your website. People who are interested in your product will eventually find your website as long as you have an SEO-optimized website.

Once they’re on your page, you have to keep them and get their email address. To do that, you have to offer a giveaway. You need to have an enticing incentive that you can offer, such as discounts, free ebooks, cheat sheets, or exclusive webinars.

Segment Your Audience

Same as doing with ads, do not treat all of your customers the same. Separate them based on demographics, location, interest, previous interactions, and more. Your goal is to create a tailored message for these groups.

Craft an Engaging Email

Start with the subject line, make it an attention-grabbing one so they will not skip it when they see your notification. As early as from here, answer the question: what will I get when I open this?

Case in point, a sales email doesn’t mean you’re straight-up selling your online course; you have to provide value. Share tips and insights within your niche; anything that is helpful for them will drastically establish your authority.

Avoid talking about yourself, they want to know what you can do for them; not how great of a mentor you are. Look at your community (social media) and see what their needs and interests are.

Also, do not forget your CTA or call to action. This is the part where you tell your potential students what to do next. Whether enrolling in your course or upgrading their subscription.
Pro Tip: Before hitting send, do the grunt test. Make sure that you’ve answered these: What do you offer, why should they care and what do they do next?

Let CourseAI Draft Your Email

Creating one sound complicated? Don’t worry. CourseAI doesn’t just streamline the process of creating online courses; it also can help you write Sales emails. It can easily draft personalized messages to your target audience.

As mentioned earlier, the most important keyword here is “messaging.” That is what sets a marketing strategy apart. If someone opens your email, they’ll be sure to read it. This is why generic and too sales-y campaigns don’t work, as they come a little bit “spammy.”

Your goal is to provide value and attract them to purchase your course, and the best way to do that is with the help of CourseAI.