Picking a topic that sells all comes down to what people want to learn and what you’re good at teaching. In this blog, CourseAI can help you discover what might just be your most profitable course yet.

Ask yourself, “What are people interested in learning right now?” Yes, trends can come and go, but plenty of data is available through platforms like Teachable and Udemy that give great insight into the most purchased and searched online courses.

Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and even Reddit can be great resources to spot trends and topics people are willing to pay more to learn about. These are also great mediums to communicate with your audience and ask them directly what they want to learn. Surveys, social media polls, and direct interactions can provide valuable insights.

Zeroing in On Your Niche

Carving out your own space in the online learning world is crucial. CourseAI requires you to narrow down your niche when creating an online course. Choose a niche that matches your strengths and addresses an actual need in the market.

Consider subniches. The broader niche can sometimes be too crowded, but sub-niches offer untapped opportunities. For example, instead of just “photography courses,” consider “drone photography for beginners” or “wedding photography on a budget.” These more focused topics can attract a dedicated audience looking for specific knowledge.

Of course, you’ve got to be passionate about your market and topic! Don’t just go with whatever you think will sell.

Checking the Profit Potential

Before you dive into creating your course, it’s crucial to figure out if there’s a real chance you’ll make money from it. Here are some practical steps you can take to check the profit potential of your course idea:

  • Take a look at the market for courses similar to what you plan to offer. Check their pricing, the number of students enrolled, and reviews to gauge market demand and what learners pay.
  • Understand all the costs of creating and marketing your course, including any software or equipment needed, marketing expenses, and time. This will help you set a price that covers your costs and ensures profitability.
  • Launch your course at a price point you think is fair and adjust based on the response. If sales are slow, consider offering a discount or adding more value to justify the price. You might even raise the price if your course is in high demand.

The Power of CourseAI

Choosing a topic with AI might seem too futuristic. However, it helps cut down time on the work involved! CourseAI taps into AI technology to provide insight and efficiency that is better than manual research alone. AI sifts through tons of data to suggest currently popular and underserved topics.

It can tailor topic suggestions based on your skills and teaching style. This personalized approach considers topics that are well within your interests!

It’s time to take action. With CourseAI‘s guidance, you can confidently navigate the online course landscape. The goal is to match your expertise with people’s eagerness to learn. Let’s create something impactful together.